woensdag 25 mei 2011

Details from my garden

How I love the sunny weather! I always long for the blue sky and bright sun which is a given fact in Australia most of the time but unfortunately not here in Holland. These days have been lovely, not too hot, sunny and perfect for working in the garden. Not that I have been doing that :), too busy with other things. But I did make some shots in my small garden this morning and I'll share that with you!

maandag 9 mei 2011

This life

Although I do not feel really happy at the moment, I learned something from this short documentary I just watched. In 1944, Werner Reich was a teenager in the Nazi death camp known as Auschwitz-Birkenau, when the infamous Josef Mengele, "The Angel of Death," randomly "selected" 96 boys out of 5,000, saving them from the gas chamber. Werner was one of the surviving "Birkenau Boys" spared, it seems, because of a bad joke. He never lost his sense of humor...

I was struck by one of his quotes:
"I am not alive in order to mourn. That is not the purpose. I have this life to live, to be happy to enjoy. Not to go around and make yourself and others miserable."

So even though I am going through rough times: life is to be enjoyed. Life is good.
Just like the tree here below. Something has been cut off, but that doesn't mean that there will be no blossom!