maandag 31 januari 2011


I'm a bit of a Scandinavia freak. Been to Denmark very often. To Sweden once. To Finland once. Next on my list: Norway!
If the winters wouldn't be so long (and dark!) I would probably live in Sweden, where everything is quieter, cleaner, bigger and brighter.
I love their houses and interiors. The way they create harmony with a few pieces of furniture. Nearly careless, demonstrating an easy way of living. So light and clean.
Bought two lamps for my diningtable this afternoon. Had some kind of a Scandinavian design idea in my head, but those were far too expensive...So off to Ikea which is more for MY budget :)and still a little Scandinavian as well.
And I have to save up. To go on holiday to Norway. Or buy a summerhouse in Denmark or Sweden!

donderdag 27 januari 2011

time flies when you're having fun

Well, came back yesterday from our trip to Germany. It was really nice spending some time together. No mail, no internet, no appointments or calls to be made. No kids, no responsibilities. Just enjoying every moment as it comes. We went to the museum I blogged about (proof: the room with the red circles) and the architecture was as astonishing as I thought it would be. The exposition was not that interesting (not my taste really) and the staff was unfriendly actually. But anyway, we saw many nice towns like Tecklenburg, Munster, Herford and Steinfurt. We had two lovely dinners (eat as many spareribs as you can/like) and drank coffee at Starbucks, just to make Amber jealous,hahaha! The only negative thing about it was the fact that those 3 days went too fast. But hey, time flies when you're having fun huh?!

zaterdag 22 januari 2011

Just the 2 of us, going away!

Somewhere between the German Teutoburgerwood en the Wiehengebergte. That is where Chris and I are going to. Just the two of us, for three days! Finally. It was pretty hard planning this, as he works in shifts and I teach nearly every afternoon. We will be visiting the Marta Herford Museum which has been on my "wish"list for ages. It seems to be one of the most innovative museum buildings worldwide, built according to the plans of the American architect Frank Gehry. I can't wait!

woensdag 19 januari 2011

My little niece Merel

During the Christmas holidays, Merel came to stay with us for 2 days. I went swimming with her, painted with her, laughed and giggled with her and gave bread to ducks and birds near our house. I loved it. I love this age (2,5) and the uncomplicated conversations we have. Those small arms around my neck and her giggles. And ofcourse the fact that after a day or so, she will be picked up by her mum (my sis) and she is no longer my responsibility. Took a nap on my couch afterwards. I am not used to having toddlers around! Watch her energy and hear her cute singing:

zaterdag 15 januari 2011

The flu and some nice things

It started with a sore throat. A little cough and pain in all my muscles. Yep, got the flu. Not as bad as some people have it. Luckily. Not as bad as Joost, as he has a fever with it as well; poor kid. But anyway, haven't been feeling very well. And the weather is so depressing over here. So I made myself go and have a look on the internet for nice stuff. Beautifully handmade things. See for yourself!
Nice necklace from this lady

Or this gorgeous pocket planner, sold here

Or this happy photograph from this Flickr album, including matching moody colors!

zondag 9 januari 2011


Came across this video. Don't know if it is real. I did not like this woman at first. I can't really explain why. She seemed so obsessed by being the centre of all attention. Did not understand why she let the Dutch TV be present on her weddingday so millions of Dutchies could be witness of it. Thought that she married van der Vaart for his fame and money. But I guess I was wrong. Or maybe she has changed. I think it is both. She still loves the camera, but she also loves her husband and child. She earns her own money and fought against breast cancer. Yep. I have changed my mind about her. And seeing this video I think she rocks/kicks it!

maandag 3 januari 2011

a hole in your sock...I think

I have been reading my old blog and came across an entry of 2008, but it could have been something I experienced yesterday. It's about the frustrations you have as a mother about things that get lost for no reason at all. And the fact that kids don't really seem to be bothered by it. Library cards and books, gloves, bracelets, etc: where are they? Or the way Amber reacted when I asked her to throw away her socks as it was more hole than sock. "No way", she replied, "these are my favorites". Joost entered the room and asked what we were talking about. I said that Amber had a giant hole in her sock. He said: Well, better that, than the other way around!

For the Dutchies the `official` entry:

Ik kan me elke keer weer verbazen over hoe lakoniek kids kunnen doen over bepaalde zaken. Bieb-pasje kwijt. Of nog erger: Boek én pasje van de bieb kwijt. Maar ze komen wel weer boven water. Gymtas laten liggen, vest op school laten hangen, bal ergens op het dak getrapt, handschoenen foetsie, armband kwijt...
Alle moeders zullen dit herkennen! Moe word je ervan. En als je dan vervolgens zegt dat ze die groene sokken niet meer mogen dragen en weg moeten gooien wegens gaten (en wat voor gaten!!!) dan kijken ze je aan alsof je een vreselijk voorstel doet.
Amber: Maar dat zijn mijn lievelingssokken, die gooi ik niet weg
Ik: Nou, zo kan het niet, je hebt meer gat dan sok...
Joost komt binnen en vraagt: Wat is er?
Ik zeg: Amber heeft een gat in haar sok.
Waarop Joost nuchter zegt: Nou, beter dan andersom!

Moe word je ervan. Maar het houdt de boel wel levendig!