woensdag 19 januari 2011

My little niece Merel

During the Christmas holidays, Merel came to stay with us for 2 days. I went swimming with her, painted with her, laughed and giggled with her and gave bread to ducks and birds near our house. I loved it. I love this age (2,5) and the uncomplicated conversations we have. Those small arms around my neck and her giggles. And ofcourse the fact that after a day or so, she will be picked up by her mum (my sis) and she is no longer my responsibility. Took a nap on my couch afterwards. I am not used to having toddlers around! Watch her energy and hear her cute singing:

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Merel is zo lief! Je site is echt heel erg leuk mam! Vooral leuk en goed dat je in het engels schrijft :)


  2. Ha,ha dat wil ik geloven dat je voor een pauze hebt gekozen na de logeerpartij. Binnenkort een layout?
