donderdag 27 januari 2011

time flies when you're having fun

Well, came back yesterday from our trip to Germany. It was really nice spending some time together. No mail, no internet, no appointments or calls to be made. No kids, no responsibilities. Just enjoying every moment as it comes. We went to the museum I blogged about (proof: the room with the red circles) and the architecture was as astonishing as I thought it would be. The exposition was not that interesting (not my taste really) and the staff was unfriendly actually. But anyway, we saw many nice towns like Tecklenburg, Munster, Herford and Steinfurt. We had two lovely dinners (eat as many spareribs as you can/like) and drank coffee at Starbucks, just to make Amber jealous,hahaha! The only negative thing about it was the fact that those 3 days went too fast. But hey, time flies when you're having fun huh?!

1 opmerking:

  1. Ik wil ook een keer naar Duitsland toe en dan ook meteen naar dat museum toe!
